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18 Aug 2021 / Gulf of Mexico, United States
In anticipation of an active 2021 tropical cyclone season, the Eighth Coast Guard District is reminding owners and operators of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) and other vessels completing Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) activities (e.g. accommodation vessels, support vessels, and others described in 33 CFR 146.601) of the requirement to notify the Coast Guard when these units are relocated.
When preparing to “cold stack”, a vessel or MODU offshore, the Coast Guard strongly encourages operators to follow Classification Society guidance (such as the American Bureau of Shipping June 2017 Guide for Lay-Up and Reactivation of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units or other Classification Society guidance) or other applicable standards regarding mooring arrangements. It is highly recommended that owners and operators ensure these arrangements are reviewed by a naval architect or professional engineer and, at a minimum, the following are considered:
- Potential heavy weather impacts, to include storm surge
- Proximity to shipping channels, OCS facilities, and pipelines
- Oil or hazardous materials remaining on board
- Lighting and sound signals (see also 33 CFR 143.15 and 33 CFR Part 67)
- Emergency response and recovery procedures
(For information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at [email protected])
Source: U.S. Coast Guard Eighth District Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Marine Safety Information Bulletin MSIB 21-03 dated 13 August 2021