New terminal COVID-19 requirements for vessels from India

13 May 2021 / Darwin & Dampier, Australia

The Inpex LNG terminal at Darwin and Woodside LNG terminal at Dampier have introduced new COVID-19 requirements for vessels arriving from India, as follows:


  • Avoid where possible vessels arriving at Ichthys Terminals (both offshore and onshore) directly from Indian ports and/or arriving at Ichthys Terminals within 14 days of departure from an Indian port (i.e. by way of another port).
    If such avoidance is not possible then a minimum 14-day sea passage between any Indian port and Ichthys terminals is required prior to berthing at Ichthys Terminals.

  • Avoid vessels where crew who have transitioned through (for a period greater than 48 hours) or resided in India prior to mobilising for embarkation and have not:
    1. Completed a 14-day isolation outside of India prior to embarking
    2. Returned a negative PCR test as close to the time of embarkation as possible.

  • If such avoidance is not possible then vessels should not be engaged unless crew who have transitioned through (for a period greater than 48 hours) or resided in India prior to mobilising for embarkation have:
    1. Already been aboard the vessel for greater than 21 days
    2. Returned negative PCR test at their port of embarkation


  • Crew change in India will require at least 11 days of ‘clean passage’, and in some circumstances > 14 days. For example:
    * >=8 Day Sail from previous port to Dampier, Western Australia
    * + 3 days of Hotel Quarantine in country of crew change
    * >=11 days total 'clean' passage
    Documented procedures for hotel-vessel transit; ie: managed vehicle, PPE, no stops
    PCR test in country of crew change & additional test in home country
    14 days of documented temperature checks before commencing transit

  • There will also be a rigorous assessment undertaken for visitors – examples of considerations below
    - Date between visitors and loading at our terminal
    - Number of visitors
    - Task performed and duration of interaction of visitors with crew
    - COVID requirements for visitors prior to boarding
    - Risk profile of country of visitors in port and where they have been in the previous 14 days

  • Due to the high risk nature of India, a rigorous COVID assessment will be undertaken for both crew change and visitors, with clear documentation of all procedures required.

Currently, no other terminals have introduced new requirements.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.