Adjustment to boundaries of Hong Kong International Airport Approach Areas

19 May 2022 / Hong Kong

The Shipping and Port Control Regulations (Amendment of Fifth Schedule) Notice 2021 will come into operation on 31 May 2022.

This Notice amends the Fifth Schedule to the Shipping and Port Control Regulations (Cap 313A) to make adjustment to the boundaries of the existing Hong Kong International Airport Approach Areas (HKIAAA) No. 3 and No. 7 to align with the expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System.

Under section 23 of the Shipping and Port Control Regulations (Cap 313A) and section 12 of the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (General) Regulation (Cap 548F), except with the permission of the Director of Marine, no vessel shall enter or pass through the HKIAAA No. 3 and a vessel with a height exceeding 30 metres above sea level shall not enter or pass through the HKIAAA No. 7.

The locations of the HKIAAA No. 3 and No. 7 are amended and specified in the Fifth Schedule to the Cap 313A. Details of the amended HKIAAA No. 3 and No. 7 are as follows:

(i) HKIAAA No.3
The area of the waters of Hong Kong bounded by the shore and straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) (3A) to (3F), (3G) to (3L) and (3M) to (3R):
(3A) 22° 18’ 24” N 113° 53’ 47” E
(3B) 22° 18’ 06” N 113° 52’ 50” E
(3C) 22° 18’ 30” N 113° 52’ 40” E
(3D) 22° 18’ 40” N 113° 53’ 13” E
(3E) 22° 19’ 01” N 113° 53’ 41” E
(3F) 22° 19’ 08” N 113° 54’ 02” E
(3G) 22° 19’ 20” N 113° 53’ 56” E
(3H) 22° 18’ 48” N 113° 52’ 16” E
(3I) 22° 19’ 18” N 113° 52’ 06” E
(3J) 22° 20’ 26” N 113° 55’ 36” E
(3K) 22° 19’ 56” N 113° 55’ 47” E
(3L) 22° 19’ 48” N 113° 55’ 22” E
(3M) 22° 19’ 38” N 113° 55’ 38” E
(3N) 22° 19’ 39” N 113° 56’ 19” E
(3O) 22° 19’ 50” N 113° 56’ 51” E
(3P) 22° 19’ 36” N 113° 56’ 56” E
(3Q) 22° 19’ 22” N 113° 56’ 51” E
(3R) 22° 19’ 20” N 113° 56’ 46” E

(ii) HKIAAA No.7
The area of the waters of Hong Kong bounded by the shore and straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) (7A) to (7J), (7K) to (7M) and (7N) to (7O):
(7A) 22° 17’ 15” N 113° 53’ 40” E
(7B) 22° 16’ 53” N 113° 52’ 32” E
(7C) 22° 17’ 55” N 113° 52’ 00” E
(7D) 22° 18’ 32” N 113° 52’ 00” E
(7E) 22° 18’ 34” N 113° 52’ 06” E
(7F) 22° 19’ 13” N 113° 51’ 52” E
(7G) 22° 20’ 30” N 113° 55’ 50” E
(7H) 22° 19’ 48” N 113° 56’ 06” E
(7I) 22° 20’ 10” N 113° 57’ 19” E
(7J) 22° 19’ 19” N 113° 57’ 38” E
(7K) 22° 19’ 07” N 113° 57’ 42” E
(7L) 22° 18’ 36” N 113° 57’ 54” E
(7M) 22° 18’ 08” N 113° 56’ 27” E
(7N) 22° 17’ 42” N 113° 55’ 04” E
(7O) 22° 17’ 31” N 113° 54’ 30” E

In addition, thirteen new light buoys have been established at the boundary of HKIAAA No.3…

(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at

Source: Government of the Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.105 of 2022

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